On the Wellness level
at the Hotel Roanoke
110 Shenandoah Avenue N.W.
Roanoke VA 24016
(540) 853-8275

Ahhh, melt away tension and stress.
A blissful mini-escape.
Available to Hotel guests and the public.

Our foot soak treatment features luxurious, moisturizing,
handmade and wonderfully aromatic ingredients.
You'll soak in a large bowl filled with warm water and ancient natural
minerals and clay, aromatic essential oils, and other nourishing ingredients,
including a bit of Blue Ridge Mountain salt.
For the ultimate pampering, this treatment includes a mini-massage of your
feet and lower legs, along with the therapeutic soak.
One therapist provides this treatment for either the single or couples service.
To complete the treatment, we'll dry and powder your feet with our exclusive
Arrowroot and Kaolin Clay body powder.
Many guests add one, two, or all three available treatment enhancements.
These will not add time to the duration of the treatment.
Single Foot Soak Treatment 50-minutes= $85.00
Couples Foot Soak Treatment 50-minutes = $160.00
Available Enhancements
$15.00 each.
Mineral & Himalayan Salt Scrub
Rejuvenate your soles with this seaweed-infused mineral salt balm exfoliating enhancement of the lower legs and feet.
Hot Stones
Hot stones are used by your therapist to deliver heat and depth to the massage of your feet, soles, and lower legs.
CBD Infused Balm Application
A finishing application of all-natural, full-spectrum CBD-infused shea butter balm with magnesium. Perfect for maximum relief of soreness.
Treatment Limitations & Guidelines
For safety and comfort reasons, there are a few limitations to this treatment.
We are unable to provide this treatment if any of these conditions apply.
1) Height (over 6'5") and weight (over 375 lbs.) safety limitations for our equipment.
2) Guests must be able to transfer in/out of a zero-gravity chair. These
movements could be difficult or unsafe for persons with significant mobility
concerns or some disabilities.
3) Guests with active skin conditions or damaged toenails.
In such cases, our full-body massage treatment may be better suited.