Pregnancy is typically a wonderful time in a woman's life, but the physical reality of
creating another human often comes with discomforts that can be alleviated by the
expertise of one of our qualified massage therapists.
What is a prenatal massage? It is a full body massage performed by a certified prenatal
massage therapist. It is much like a Swedish massage, but with a few modifications
that ensure the safety and comfort of both mother and baby.
Ratia, one of our therapists, explains the benefits this way: “Prenatal massage is
beneficial for expectant mothers at any time after the first trimester of their pregnancy.
Therapists with proper training are able to provide safe, therapeutic massages for
expectant women. Those who may be considered at high risk must be cleared by their
doctor. We have had women comment after their massage that it provided them with
the most comfort they have had throughout their pregnancy. Additionally, it can help
with relaxation and releasing tension in tight muscles. Many pregnant women have pain
or tightness in their hips that is reduced by laying on their sides during the massage,
while giving the therapist greater access to those areas.”
5 reasons to get a Prenatal Massage
1. Reduces stress and anxiety
2. Promotes restful sleep
3. Helps relieve pain naturally
4. Supports circulation and blood flow for both mother and baby
5. Helps reduce stress on joints and muscles
Want more information? Ready to book? For more information and to request an appointment, See - or call (540) 853-8275